ARC-99: Change Management for the Astroport Token Decimal Registry Contracts


This proposal advocates for allowing a multisig on each Astroport deployment to set token decimal amounts in Astroport Registries. This will allow newly launched tokens to be used much more quickly in PCL and stableswap pools.


The Astroport Registry contract is in charge with keeping track of the number of decimals for various tokens that trade on Astroport. The Registry is important because it tells stableswap and PCL pools how many decimals each token has which in turn allows pools to perform swaps correctly. This means that, when a new token lands on Astroport, it needs to have its decimals set in a Registry in order for it to be used in a stableswap or a PCL pool.

Currently, the Astral Assembly needs to pass an on-chain proposal and set a token’s decimals inside a Registry contract every time someone wants to use the token in a PCL or stableswap pool. This adds an additional delay between the moment when a brand new token launches and it being supported in two types of Astroport pools.

In order to eliminate this friction and allow anyone to create PCL and stableswap pools quickly with any token, we propose that a multisig is allowed to set token decimals in each Registry. The multisig will be a 2/3 and will consist of three Astroport builders.

The multisig addresses are the following:

  • Neutron address: neutron1qlfhh69ydzznkq8vt5yawp7jzksnemf7lzy3kv
  • Injective address: inj1fnumgs2wns8lra7zq36783set5cgud7l6dkf6v
  • Sei address: sei1g82rlvd3vwn3mfkgu7nge00pasm7d0ehgwc9rh

Executable Message

The messages for this proposal look as follows:

    "wasm": {
      "execute": {
        "contract_addr": "neutron1jzzv6r5uckwd64n6qan3suzker0kct5w565f6529zjyumfcx96kqtcswn3",
        "msg": "eyJwcm9wb3NlX25ld19vd25lciI6eyJvd25lciI6Im5ldXRyb24xcWxmaGg2OXlkenpua3E4dnQ1eWF3cDdqemtzbmVtZjdsenkza3YiLCJleHBpcmVzX2luIjoxMjA5NjAwfX0=",
        "funds": []
    "wasm": {
      "execute": {
        "contract_addr": "inj1k5uunty0xf353jut6eq0zgk6qy4grc9wufut2c",
        "msg": "eyJwcm9wb3NlX25ld19vd25lciI6eyJvd25lciI6ImluajFmbnVtZ3Myd25zOGxyYTd6cTM2Nzgzc2V0NWNndWQ3bDZka2Y2diIsImV4cGlyZXNfaW4iOjEyMDk2MDB9fQ==",
        "funds": []


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Whatever steps need to be taken to allow new tokens to be launched in PCL pools should be taken, full support

Yup, PCL and listing tokens fast, +1

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