ARC-69: Set Up the Astroport Deployment on Neutron Mainnet


This proposal is meant to set up the Astroport deployment on Neutron mainnet. Concretely, the proposal aims to do two things:

  • Claim ownership of the Neutron-Astroport Satellite contract for Assembly
  • Prepare the Maker contract on Neutron mainnet by setting the default swap token to axlUSDC


The Maker contract is in charge with swapping every token collected as Astroport fees to the ASTRO token. The Maker on Neutron mainnet needs to know the main bridge token used to swap every other token to ASTRO. Initially, we expect that the main token used in a wide range Astroport pools on Neutron mainnet will be Axelar USDC. Thus, we propose that axlUSDC becomes the main bridge token until and if Neutron integrates with native USDC.

Separately, the Satellite is the main contract that acts as the owner of other contracts on the Astroport Neutron deployment. We propose that the owner of the Satellite contract on Neutron should be changed to the Assembly.

Executable Message

The executable message looks as follows:

    "wasm": {
      "execute": {
        "contract_addr": "neutron1unc0549k2f0d7mjjyfm94fuz2x53wrx3px0pr55va27grdgmspcqgzfr8p",
        "funds": []
    "wasm": {
      "execute": {
        "contract_addr": "neutron1unc0549k2f0d7mjjyfm94fuz2x53wrx3px0pr55va27grdgmspcqgzfr8p",
        "msg": "ewogICJlbmFibGVfcmV3YXJkcyI6IHsKICAgICJibG9ja3MiOiAxCiAgfQp9",
        "funds": []
    "wasm": {
      "execute": {
        "contract_addr": "neutron1hptk0k5kng7hjy35vmh009qd5m6l33609nypgf2yc6nqnewduqasxplt4e",
        "msg": "ewogICJ1cGRhdGVfY29uZmlnIjogewogICAgImZlZV9hZGRyZXNzIjogIm5ldXRyb24xdW5jMDU0OWsyZjBkN21qanlmbTk0ZnV6Mng1M3dyeDNweDBwcjU1dmEyN2dyZGdtc3BjcWd6ZnI4cCIsCiAgICAiZ2VuZXJhdG9yX2FkZHJlc3MiOiAibmV1dHJvbjFqejU4eWpheTh1cTh6a2Z3OTVuZ3l2M20yd2ZzMnpqZWY5dmR6NzVkOXBhNDZmZHR4YzVzeHRhZm55IgogIH0KfQ==",
        "funds": []
    "wasm": {
      "execute": {
        "contract_addr": "neutron1ffus553eet978k024lmssw0czsxwr97mggyv85lpcsdkft8v9ufsz3sa07",
        "msg": "eyJjbGFpbV9vd25lcnNoaXAiOnt9fQ==",
        "funds": []

The readable version of this executable message is made of four separate messages:

// Internal Maker messages
  "update_config": {
    "basic_asset": {
      "native_token": {
        "denom": "ibc/F082B65C88E4B6D5EF1DB243CDA1D331D002759E938A0F5CD3FFDC5D53B3E349"

// Enable rewards in Maker
  "enable_rewards": {
    "blocks": 1

// Internal Factory message
  "update_config": {
    "fee_address": "neutron1unc0549k2f0d7mjjyfm94fuz2x53wrx3px0pr55va27grdgmspcqgzfr8p",
    "generator_address": "neutron1jz58yjay8uq8zkfw95ngyv3m2wfs2zjef9vdz75d9pa46fdtxc5sxtafny"

// Internal Satellite message 


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