This proposal activates the Maker contract on the Injective mainnet version of Astroport and sets up USDT as the main bridge token used to swap every other token to ASTRO. The proposal also sets the Maker contract address in the Astroport Injective Factory contract.
The Maker contract is in charge with swapping every token collected as Astroport fees to the ASTRO token. The Maker on Injective needs to be activated and it also needs to know the main bridge token used to swap every other token to ASTRO. Given that the main token used in a wide range Astroport pools on Injective mainnet is USDT, we propose that it also becomes the main bridge token.
Executable Message
The executable message used to activate the Maker contract on Injective mainnet, set USDT as the main bridge token and set the Maker contract address in the Factory looks as follows:
"wasm": {
"execute": {
"contract_addr": "inj1sf4wtl6h5sjlvvl6khz6eecly72fl9kgsnfesv",
"msg": "eyJ1cGRhdGVfY29uZmlnIjp7ImJhc2ljX2Fzc2V0Ijp7Im5hdGl2ZV90b2tlbiI6eyJkZW5vbSI6InBlZ2d5MHhkQUMxN0Y5NThEMmVlNTIzYTIyMDYyMDY5OTQ1OTdDMTNEODMxZWM3In19fX0=",
"funds": []
"wasm": {
"execute": {
"contract_addr": "inj1sf4wtl6h5sjlvvl6khz6eecly72fl9kgsnfesv",
"msg": "ewogICJlbmFibGVfcmV3YXJkcyI6IHsKICAgICJibG9ja3MiOiA2MDQ4MDAKICB9Cn0=",
"funds": []
"wasm": {
"execute": {
"contract_addr": "inj19aenkaj6qhymmt746av8ck4r8euthq3zmxr2r6",
"msg": "eyJ1cGRhdGVfY29uZmlnIjogeyJmZWVfYWRkcmVzcyI6ICJpbmoxc2Y0d3RsNmg1c2psdnZsNmtoejZlZWNseTcyZmw5a2dzbmZlc3YifX0K",
"funds": []
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