This proposal will allow ROAR incentives to be supplied to the ROAR/LUNA PCL pool by approving the generator proxy contract.
Recently a PCL pool for ROAR/LUNA was created under ARC-88 and ASTRO incentives were migrated from the XYK pool to the PCL pool under gov prop 102. ROAR incentives now also need to be migrated from the XYK pool to the PCL pool
Executable Message
The executable message for this proposal looks as follows:
[{"wasm":{"execute":{"contract_addr":"terra1ksvlfex49desf4c452j6dewdjs6c48nafemetuwjyj6yexd7x3wqvwa7j9","msg":"eyJtb3ZlX3RvX3Byb3h5Ijp7ImxwX3Rva2VuIjoidGVycmExdmN6bjQwY2g2MjRnMmtzZXJoenF1Mm42OWozaDdoN2M1bmZlem53OTZwbnhqdWx5NWg1czI1dTlkbSIsInByb3h5IjoidGVycmExenh3YW01Z21xdmt4cmo0ajVzOGN0OTJteHlkOTB4OHNudjRtN200Nmo2ODVrZjhkM2tyczRrNzZwcSJ9fQ==","funds":[ ]}}}]