ARC-87: Set Up Dual Rewards Infrastructure for wstETH-axlETH Pair


This proposal aims to set up a dual rewards contract for the wstETH-axlETH pair on Neutron mainnet with the aim of allowing Neutron DAO to add emissions in the form of wstETH tokens.


Recently, Neutron has proposed a plan to bootstrap wstETH liquidity on their chain with the aim of kickstarting a healthy DeFi ecosystem. To that end, we propose that Assembly sets up dual reward contracts so that the wstETH-axlETH pair can be incentivized with wstETH tokens on Neutron mainnet.

Executable Message

The executable message for this proposal looks as follows:

    "wasm": {
      "execute": {
        "contract_addr": "neutron1jz58yjay8uq8zkfw95ngyv3m2wfs2zjef9vdz75d9pa46fdtxc5sxtafny",
        "msg": "ewogICJtb3ZlX3RvX3Byb3h5IjogewogICAgImxwX3Rva2VuIjogIm5ldXRyb24xOTB1Nmt2MmVzZG05M3ZqNHd4amF5enJjaGF1NWozZWtwYWN1cGRheXcza3FlcHdkbnQ1c2c3bGZqdyIsCiAgICAicHJveHkiOiAibmV1dHJvbjF0YzZyd2N1ZnU0dXE5eDM4cDc0cTRxeXgzNjVsNWVjOG1seXEyM3MzMjJuNDc4Nzl5dXlzZndneXRrIgogIH0KfQ==",
        "funds": []

The readable version of the message looks as follows:

  "move_to_proxy": {
    "lp_token": "neutron190u6kv2esdm93vj4wxjayzrchau5j3ekpacupdayw3kqepwdnt5sg7lfjw",
    "proxy": "neutron1tc6rwcufu4uq9x38p74q4qyx365l5ec8mlyq23s322n47879yuysfwgytk"


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