ARC-73: Deregister stATOM-ATOM pool on Neutron


This proposal aims to redegister the stATOM-ATOM on Neutron, so that a new stATOM-ATOM pool can be created.

The current stATOM pool is stableswap, but it would be better to make it a constant product / xyk pool.

On Astroport, one pair of tokens can only have a single pool. So in order to make the new stATOM pool the old must first be deregistered.


In Cosmos Hub prop 800, 450K ATOM was entrusted to the ATOM Accelerator DAO, with instructions to deploy it to the stATOM-ATOM stableswap pool on Neutron. However, deploying liquidity to this stableswap pool entailed operational and accounting complexities that were not fully anticipated. Upon further consideration, it would be better to use a constant product stATOM-ATOM pool.

A signaling proposal to Cosmos Hub governance to update the AA DAO’s instructions will shortly be posted to the Cosmos Hub governance forum, changing the instruction from stableswap pool to constant product pool. In the meantime, the stATOM-ATOM pool on Neutron needs to be deregistered, so that a constant product stATOM pool can be made.

Astroport’s interest

It is in the interest of Astroport to deregister the stATOM stableswap pool on Neutron, because it will enable the creation of a new stATOM constant product pool, which will in turn enable 450K ATOM of liquidity to be deployed on Astroport.

Executable code

This proposal will soon be updated to include the executable code.

In the meantime, here is the stATOM pool that this proposal aims to deregister:


Final thoughts

Please ask any question or contribute any comments you may have. Pending community discussion, this proposal should go onchain after the standard seven-day forum period.


Hey @John_Galt the executable code for this proposal looks like this:

        "wasm": {
          "execute": {
            "contract_addr": "neutron1hptk0k5kng7hjy35vmh009qd5m6l33609nypgf2yc6nqnewduqasxplt4e",
            "funds": []
        "wasm": {
          "execute": {
            "contract_addr": "neutron1hptk0k5kng7hjy35vmh009qd5m6l33609nypgf2yc6nqnewduqasxplt4e",
            "funds": []

The readable version of the proposal looks as follows:

  "deregister": {
    "asset_infos": [
        "native_token": {
          "denom": "ibc/B7864B03E1B9FD4F049243E92ABD691586F682137037A9F3FCA5222815620B3C"
        "native_token": {
          "denom": "ibc/C4CFF46FD6DE35CA4CF4CE031E643C8FDC9BA4B99AE598E9B0ED98FE3A2319F9"

  "create_pair": {
    "asset_infos": [
        "native_token": {
          "denom": "ibc/B7864B03E1B9FD4F049243E92ABD691586F682137037A9F3FCA5222815620B3C"
        "native_token": {
          "denom": "ibc/C4CFF46FD6DE35CA4CF4CE031E643C8FDC9BA4B99AE598E9B0ED98FE3A2319F9"

Hope this helps!

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