ARC-94: Add PCL Pool Type on Neutron


This proposal aims to add the passive concentrated liquidity pool type on Neutron mainnet.


Now that passive concentrated liquidity is active on Terra mainnet, we propose the addition of this pool type on other chains where Astroport is deployed. Due to the incentive alignment between the Neutron and Astroport DAOs, we propose that Neutron is the next chain where PCL should be deployed.

This proposal is only meant to add the PCL pool type in the Astroport Factory contract on Neutron and it does not create any PCL pools. The proposal also registers the decimal amount for wstETH and axlETH in the Astroport Registry contract on Neutron so that these tokens can be used in PCL pools later down the line.

Executable Message

The executable message for this proposal looks as follows:

    "wasm": {
      "execute": {
        "contract_addr": "neutron1jzzv6r5uckwd64n6qan3suzker0kct5w565f6529zjyumfcx96kqtcswn3",
        "msg": "eyJhZGQiOnsibmF0aXZlX2NvaW5zIjpbWyJmYWN0b3J5L25ldXRyb24xdWc3NDBxcmtxdXh6cmsyaGgyOXFybHgzc2t0a2ZtbDNqZTdqdXVzYzJ0ZTd4bXZzc2NuczBuMndyeS93c3RFVEgiLDE4XSxbImliYy9BNTg1QzJEMTVEQ0QzQjAxMDg0OUI0NTNBMkNGQ0I1RTIxMzIwOEE1QUI2NjU2OTE3OTI2ODRDMjYyNzQzMDREIiwxOF1dfX0=",
        "funds": []
    "wasm": {
      "execute": {
        "contract_addr": "neutron1hptk0k5kng7hjy35vmh009qd5m6l33609nypgf2yc6nqnewduqasxplt4e",
        "msg": "eyJ1cGRhdGVfcGFpcl9jb25maWciOnsiY29uZmlnIjp7ImNvZGVfaWQiOjM0MywicGFpcl90eXBlIjp7ImN1c3RvbSI6ImNvbmNlbnRyYXRlZCJ9LCJ0b3RhbF9mZWVfYnBzIjowLCJtYWtlcl9mZWVfYnBzIjo1MDAwLCJpc19kaXNhYmxlZCI6ZmFsc2UsImlzX2dlbmVyYXRvcl9kaXNhYmxlZCI6ZmFsc2V9fX0=",
        "funds": []


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