ARC-70 Incentivize Liquidity Pools for Capapult on Astroport


This proposal asks the Astral Assembly to allow the distribution of 10 million CAPA, the governance token of Capapult, to incentivize two liquidity pools on Astroport: SOLID — axlUSDC and CAPA — SOLID.


Capapult would like to provide incentives, in the form of Capapult’s governance token CAPA, to those providing liquidity on two liquidity pools on Astroport: SOLID — axlUSDC and CAPA — SOLID.

Capapult is a fully decentralized protocol on the Terra 2.0 blockchain whose governance is driven by the community through the use of CAPA, the token that is used for voting and decision-making.

This proposal will significantly increase the liquidity of the CAPA and SOLID tokens, enhancing trading opportunities, reducing price slippage and driving adoption. As the Capapult protocol gains more usage, the benefits for CAPA stakers will continue to grow and there will be more volume and trading for Astroport.

As part of this proposal, there is no ask to Astroport other than to allow us to distribute a token as LP rewards to LP providers. We are not seeking dual incentives or any form of endorsement from Astroport or the Astroport governance token holders.

To implement the proposal we have created:


Staking Contract:


  "wasm": {
    "execute": {
      "contract_addr": "terra1ksvlfex49desf4c452j6dewdjs6c48nafemetuwjyj6yexd7x3wqvwa7j9",
      "msg": "eyJtb3ZlX3RvX3Byb3h5Ijp7ImxwX3Rva2VuIjoidGVycmExcmRqbTk0bjNyNHV2aGZoMjNzOTh0ZmNnemVka3V2and2a2NqcWE1MDNhbWVmOWFmeWE3c2RkdjA5OCIsInByb3h5IjoidGVycmExMmp1MG12a3NnZDg5eWQ1NG43YzY1OHh0ajc2ZHo4ODdzYzJqcHJjN3c1Y2pwdXltcmM2c2pxaHB2eCJ9fQ==",
      "funds": [



Staking Contract:
Blockchain Explorer

Blockchain Explorer

  "wasm": {
   "execute": {
   "contract_addr": "terra1ksvlfex49desf4c452j6dewdjs6c48nafemetuwjyj6yexd7x3wqvwa7j9",
   "msg": " eyJtb3ZlX3RvX3Byb3h5Ijp7ImxwX3Rva2VuIjoidGVycmExZDRsdHNua2UzZ3JndzkwZGFkNXFmM2psZTdsMHQ5ejh6c3NocXpwNmc4djNqMGVjdnBrc2V2ejV6NyIsInByb3h5IjoidGVycmExZHFxdWRrdDZoOTZudnhrZ2R1enZ3anBsNGU1c2NqajJwMjduZzU2Mjl3anlkajIzd2N5cXpxdjV5NyJ9fQ==",
   "funds": [