ARC-54: Update Vesting Contract Schedule on Terra 2


The amount of ASTRO distributed per block in the Generator contract on Terra 2 is close to 13 ASTRO per block. Meanwhile, the amount of ASTRO unlocked in the Vesting contract every Terra block is around 19 ASTRO.

This proposal takes 3.8 million ASTRO from the Vesting contract and sends it back to the Assembly DAO Treasury, thus bringing the amount of ASTRO unlocked by the Vesting contract closer to the amount of ASTRO that is actually distributed every block. The 4 million ASTRO that return to the Assembly Treasury can still be used in the future for rewards or for other purposes that the DAO deems fit.


The Vesting contract is in charge with slowly unlocking ASTRO which is then fetched by the Generator contract in order to be distributed as rewards. Currently, there is a significant gap between the amount of ASTRO unlocked by the Vesting contract each Terra block (approximatelly 19 ASTRO) and the amount of ASTRO that is actually distributed by the Generator contract which is approximatelly 13 ASTRO per block.

This proposal is meant to bring these two values closer together by taking 3.8 million ASTRO from the Vesting contract and sending these tokens back to the Assembly DAO Treasury.

Executable Message

The executable message associated with this proposal looks as follows:

    "wasm": {
      "migrate": {
        "contract_addr": "terra1qyuarnzcc6uuft9n9mltraprreke4v8gvxd8u3nslngxhflhru9qw34nc3",
        "msg": "e30=",
        "new_code_id": 1365
    "wasm": {
      "execute": {
        "contract_addr": "terra1qyuarnzcc6uuft9n9mltraprreke4v8gvxd8u3nslngxhflhru9qw34nc3",
        "msg": "eyJ3aXRoZHJhd19mcm9tX2FjdGl2ZV9zY2hlZHVsZSI6eyJhY2NvdW50IjoidGVycmExa3N2bGZleDQ5ZGVzZjRjNDUyajZkZXdkanM2YzQ4bmFmZW1ldHV3anlqNnlleGQ3eDN3cXZ3YTdqOSIsInJlY2lwaWVudCI6InRlcnJhMTJuY3VycjYyeGU5M3hyc2gyZHJwNHp2ZWhqMGduMzJsZm5zaHI4azBwNHhmeWp1Mmtud3EycWdtaDIiLCJ3aXRoZHJhd19hbW91bnQiOiIzODAwMDAwMDAwMDAwIn19",
        "funds": []


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