ARC-4: ORNE<>UST Pool Addition to Astroport with Dual Incentives

I don’t know much about ORNE, but does it make sense for astroport to incentivize this pool with 3x as much rewards as the ORNE itself? The proposed reward schedule has 10m ORNE (market value $400k) over the first year, and 365k astro (market value $1.2m).

The pool would have to do $1.2b in volume to break even on that $1.2m ASTRO rewards (0.1% of volume goes back to the assembly). And even if rewards aren’t meant to be break-even, ASTRO rewards are a zero sum game – those 1000 ASTRO per day would be removed from larger more profitable pools like LUNA-UST and bLUNA-LUNA.