ARC-22: Upgrade ASTRO and xASTRO on Terra 1 and Change Their Names and Symbols


Update the implementation of the ASTRO and xASTRO tokens on Terra 1 and during the migration, change the ASTRO token’s name to “Astroport Classic” and its symbol to “ASTROC”. Furthermore, change the xASTRO token’s name to “Staked Astroport Classic” and its symbol to “xASTROC”.


The two Astroport instances on Terra 1 & 2 each have their own distinct ASTRO and xASTRO tokens. This can be confusing for the community as well as for websites that track token data such as Coingecko.

This proposal aims to change the ASTRO token’s name and symbol on Terra 1 to “Astroport Classic” and “ASTROC” and the xASTRO token’s name and symbol to “Staked Astroport Classic” and its symbol to “xASTROC”.


The proposal message to upgrade the Terra 1 ASTRO & xASTRO tokens and change their names and symbols looks as follows:

    "order": "1",
    "msg": {
      "wasm": {
        "migrate": {
          "contract_addr": "terra1xj49zyqrwpv5k928jwfpfy2ha668nwdgkwlrg3",
          "new_code_id": 6938,
          "msg": "eyJuYW1lIjoiQXN0cm9wb3J0IENsYXNzaWMiLCJzeW1ib2wiOiJBU1RST0MifQ=="
    "order": "2",
    "msg": {
      "wasm": {
        "migrate": {
          "contract_addr": "terra14lpnyzc9z4g3ugr4lhm8s4nle0tq8vcltkhzh7",
          "new_code_id": 6785,
          "msg": "eyJuYW1lIjoiU3Rha2VkIEFzdHJvcG9ydCBDbGFzc2ljIiwic3ltYm9sIjoieEFTVFJPQyJ9"


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.


@stefan - Thank you for your input into the community. I am new to crypto, came in about a year ago, and also rode that luna tidal wave to shore. Happening before my eyes, I learned to trade in real time as I tried to buy the bottom and recover my losses. Now following along as everyone begins to rebuild. I am not a programer, rather a creative consultant in the arts and architecture. And I do respect programmers efforts in making the systems better and wanted to say Thank you! Looking forward to seeing how crypto will continue to unite the world in a whole new special way!


After checking a second time, it looks like the last governance proposal did not change the name and symbol for the Astroport Classic token and so it should be resubmitted.

In addition, I’d like to propose that the name and symbol for the Staked Astroport token on Terra Classic are changed to Staked Astroport Classic and xASTROC respectively.

The new executable message looks as follows:

    "order": "1",
    "msg": {
      "wasm": {
        "migrate": {
          "contract_addr": "terra1xj49zyqrwpv5k928jwfpfy2ha668nwdgkwlrg3",
          "new_code_id": 6784,
          "msg": "eyJuYW1lIjoiQXN0cm9wb3J0IENsYXNzaWMiLCJzeW1ib2wiOiJBU1RST0MifQ=="
    "order": "2",
    "msg": {
      "wasm": {
        "migrate": {
          "contract_addr": "terra14lpnyzc9z4g3ugr4lhm8s4nle0tq8vcltkhzh7",
          "new_code_id": 6785,
          "msg": "eyJuYW1lIjoiU3Rha2VkIEFzdHJvcG9ydCBDbGFzc2ljIiwic3ltYm9sIjoieEFTVFJPQyJ9"


  "name": "Astroport Classic",
  "symbol": "ASTROC"
  "name": "Staked Astroport Classic",
  "symbol": "xASTROC"