ARC-79: Dual Rewards Contract for stATOM-USDC on Sei


This proposal aims to set up a dual reward contract for the stATOM-USDC pool on Astroport Sei, so that the pool can be incentivized with STRD.


In ARC-77, the Astral Assembly approved the initial incentivized pools for Astroport Sei. The proposal also contained an agreement to partner with Stride, whereby Stride and Astroport would both contribute incentives to the pool. This dual reward contract is necessary in order for Stride to contribute STRD.


stATOM-USDCed pool:

Executable message

    "wasm": {
      "execute": {
        "contract_addr": "sei13hwj6afyxgue26f966hd5jkcvvjeruv7f9cdtd5d9mrtyrnn73ysp04nt4",
        "msg": "ewogICJtb3ZlX3RvX3Byb3h5IjogewogICAgImxwX3Rva2VuIjogInNlaTFodm1xMmE4emVuc2dxaG0weGg0dnE2d2F0bHI3amR5MDhmZHE3ODhsZG40d3FzdXVlZDdzcGRyeHptIiwKICAgICJwcm94eSI6ICJzZWkxbjN6ZXNqNGE2YWUzbWd4bDY5M3Bqd2E2NXFhNTRnM3A5dmEyeHgzd3dzZXd3dWhtYXg0cWQ3aG03bCIKICB9Cn0=",
        "funds": []
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