ARC-100: Create PKS-SEI LP Pool on Astroport Sei


This proposal requests the creation of a PKS-SEI (CW20) LP pool in preparation for Poker Kings Sei’s migration launch onto Sei Network. Rewards will be added to the pool once created


Poker Kings is seeking the approval of the Astro Community to create a PKS-SEI pair, the first of its kind, on the Astroport Sei pools. The LP will be incentivized by LP rewards in PKS.


Poker Kings Sei is the first on-chain poker platform in Cosmos and on the Sei Network. Previously known as Terra Poker on the Terra 2.0 network, Poker Kings has migrated completely onto Sei, and in extension setting up the first LP pool of its kind

Previously on Terra, the Poker Kings had one of the deepest liquidity, became one of the most trending and active traded pair, and was the leading transaction generator in the Terra system by far. We are bringing the same excitement and quality to the Sei Network via Astroport Sei.

Executable Message:

“wasm”: {
“execute”: {
“contract_addr”: “sei13hwj6afyxgue26f966hd5jkcvvjeruv7f9cdtd5d9mrtyrnn73ysp04nt4”,
“msg”: “eyJtb3ZlX3RvX3Byb3h5Ijp7ImxwX3Rva2VuIjoic2VpMXhxdmpxNTZodndtNGt6aDluOHhkZmxnZ2c0MGtzeno3bXQ5Z2s5NmV6cm13dzY5azNzYXF3dzV5dWsiLCJwcm94eSI6InNlaTFmZ25xMGNnc3FhdTBzcmY4cHN5cjd3bWR2a2prMjdsdnhqaHRoanVtZDl5NmU5NnhuMnBxY3IybGE3In19”,

in readable form

    wasm: {
        execute: {
            contract_addr: GENERATOR,
            msg: toBase64(
                    move_to_proxy: {
                        lp_token: "sei1xqvjq56hvwm4kzh9n8xdflggg40kszz7mt9gk96ezrmww69k3saqww5yuk",
                        proxy: "sei1fgnq0cgsqau0srf8psyr7wmdvkjk27lvxjhthjumd9y6e96xn2pqcr2la7"
            funds: []


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Just to clarify, is this proposal requesting ASTRO incentives or simply to set up the pool in order to add PKS rewards in the future?

The latter. We’re simply setting up a pool for future PKS rewards to be distributed. The process on astroport for now is that simple LP creation doesn’t require poll, but to add incentives (even third-party incentives, NOT astro) still require polling. We request your favourable vote.


Thought it was worth clarifying for anyony on the fence, youve got my vote cheers