ARC-115: Adjust Overall ASTRO Emissions

Completely disagree when it comes to Terra network.
Terra Network Luna implemented FeeShare module, which means 75% of all transaction fees generated through a Terra smart contract will go directly to the contract owners like Astroport and other protocols.
In addition, until Jan. 2025, TFL will calculate fees generated by Terra smart contracts & match, in stablecoins, 50% of all fees generated. These will get distributed to addresses specified contract owners & enable teams to earn 75% of the fees they generate on-chain.

Terra network needs to be Incentivize more and more with $ASTRO.
More volume generated by Terra network pools which means that all the fees collected under this arrangement would flow back to xASTRO holders.

Astroport Dex and ASTRO holders will reap the max benefits.

@everyone trade and promote Terra Network on Astroport.
Add Liquidity on Terra network pools to get APR

Terra network Helping Astro to Fire its economy and Astroport is not reciprocating